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Time to Go

Well deep waters run still in a high mountain lake
Set here waitin’ for a ship to come by
But no ship will she sail on this old mountain lake
Past the time that I should say good by

I’ve been talkin and a dreamin’ and a waistin’ my time
Set here waitin’ for a knock on the door
But no knockin’s occured on the front of this shack
Reckon there won’t be when I’m 94

Life on the farm, well it’s got me down
At my feet no grass shall grow
Well I’ve packed my bags, I’m down the road
Time to leave all the things that I know

Well my momma did say when I was a boy
God does help those that get off their duff
Guess that’s why the good lord’s been shy of this place
I sure hope he don’t call my bluff

— Devin Rice