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ekhali na troyke s bubentsami,
A vdali mel’kali ogon’ki…
Ekh, kogda by mne teper’ za vami,
Dushu by razveyat’ ot toski!

Dorogoy dlinnoyu, pogodoy lunnoyu,
Da s pesney toy, chto v dal’ letit zvenya,
Da so starinnoyu, da s semistrunnoyu,
Chto po nocham tak muchila menya.

Da, vykhodit, peli my zadarom,
Ponaprasnu noch’ za noch’yu zhgli.
esli my pokonchili so starym,
Tak i nochi eti otoshli!

V dal’ rodnuyu novymi putyami
Nam otnyne ekhat’ suzhdeno!
…ekhali na troyke s bubentsami,
Da teper’ proekhali davno!

Translation by The University of Pittsburgh Department of Slavic Languages

You rode on a troika with sleigh bells,
And in the distance lights flickered..
If only I could follow you now
I would dispel the grief in my soul!

By the long road, in the moon light,
And with this song that flies off, ringing,
And with this ancient, this ancient seven-string,
That has so tormented me by night.

But it turns out our song was futile,
In vain we burned night in and night out.
If we have finished with the old,
Then those nights have also left us!

Out into our native land, and by new paths,
We have been fated to go now!
…You rode on a troika with sleigh bells,
[But] you’ve long since passed by!


yexaly tsigani nye dogorish
Pyeli oni pyesnyu, nye poimyozh
bilab u nix gitara nye nastroish
i vo obshem nichivo nye razbyeryozh

Do ro gay dalnyeyu
da nochkoy lunayu
da spyenye toy
shto vdal lyetit zven ya
y stoy starinayu
da semi srtunayu
shto ponacham
tak muchala menya

Those were the days my friends
we thought they’d never end
we’d sing and dance
forever and a day

we’d live the life we choose
we’d fight and never lose
for we were young
and sure to have our way